
Carrie Manning's Favorite Resources

Hey there!

I absolutely love podcasts and audiobooks. Here are a list of some of my favorite books, podcasts, websites, and other recommendations that I frequently recommend to parents and friends.

I highly suggest getting a library card and downloading the free app, Libby, to listen to books for free. Grab your headphones and go for a walk or listen in the car.

These resources have been incredibly helpful and inspiring to me, and I hope you find them just as valuable. Whether you're looking for some great reads, helpful websites, or awesome podcasts, there's something here for everyone.

Enjoy learning!

Warmly, Carrie

Carrie’s Favorite Resources


How To ADHD - YouTube

ADDitude Magazine - website - website


Anxiety Canada - website (they have a free course and app Mindshift)

Natasha Daniels - YouTube for parents to help with anxiety and OCD

No Worries - Activity book


ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network) - website. I especially love this article About Autism

Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism Resources - website

Autism Level Up - website. They have great trainings and visual tools.

Congratulations, You’re Autistic - book

Neurodiversity Resources

The Neurodiversity Podcast - lots of great info on ADHD, Autism, Giftedness and other neurodivergent populations

What Is Neurodiversity: A Video for Children - YouTube

NeuroWild - Facebook Page - beautiful artwork and infographics about neurodiversity. I especially love Let’s Talk About Your Brain: Telling Your Child They Are Autistic

Katie Bassiri - website with free downloads about Autism, Masking, PDA, Rejection Sensitivity and more

Parenting Support

No Drama Discipline- book

Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors - book

The Baffling Behavior Show with Robyn Gobbel - podcast. I highly recommend these episodes: Stress Response and Not Flipping Your Lid…When Your Kid Flips Theirs

Play Therapy

Play Therapy Makes a Difference - website (Association For Play Therapy)

Introducing Andrew - YouTube (Association for Play Therapy)

Reach out to us to learn more about our counseling and play therapy services.